How To Improve Your Sleep
See below for 7 great tips on how to improve your sleep and the mistakes you may be making now that you need to stop.

Silence Is Golden
When it’s too loud in your room your sleep will be disturbed. Anywhere from 50db (the sound of a quiet street) upwards in volume will disrupt your sleep. Too much sound won’t allow you to achieve deep sleep, but rather a light sleep. So don’t put your bed near a window or street.

It’s ideal when your room temperature is between 15 -18 degrees Celsius. When it’s too warm or too cold your sleep will be disturbed. It’s good practice to air your room during the evening, because fresh air makes your sleep better.

Waking up
When the alarm is ringing most people click the “Snooze-Function”. This isn't good for your biorhythm and makes it harder to get out of bed. So it’s better to get up immediately.

Regular sleeping times
When you have regular sleeping times, your “inner” clock sets and you won’t have as big a problem getting out of the bed.

You shouldn’t eat big meals after 7 pm because digestion disturbs the sleeping process. Not eating after 7pm ensures that your stomach has enough time to digest the food and that you have a better night’s sleep.

An active person will have a better night’s sleep. So try to make your daily routine a bit more sporting. Instead of taking the elevator, climb the stairs. Cycle or walk to work rather than taking the bus or the car.

Avoid stress
When you lie in the bed, many thoughts are running through your head and you can’t sleep. It is important to clear your head before you go to bed. Only think positive thoughts or take a nice comfortable bath to relax yourself. Jotting down any worries or tasks you need to do will also help relieve the pressure of the day ahead.

Written by Luisa Poppe
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